Circle of leaders


Type: Student Online Access
This class is only for students who have already registered for the circle of leaders mentorship program!

Access is given by the instructors, and all students will receive a link via email.

Circle of leaders

Exclusive mentoring program that takes everything several steps further!

Developed by Ken Guzzo and Martin Castor

What will you get here?

You are getting access to important information in our exclusive student forum

Live training videos

We have collected all the best moments from the life, training of importance, and with in depth information for you to thrive even more.

The Contin can be watched at any time, from any device!

Online live events

Part of the mentoring program is following up on tasks, and to give all students further more information and insights on how to become even more successful!

Therefore, our online live events are sacred to us, because it’s all guaranteed to be with you all the way! 

Support mentoring

Continuous mentoring and support is very important for everyone. Both of your instructors are always within reach in case you need some thing for your journey.

It’s not just a class, it’s a program and journey that keeps evolving, and we are with you all the way!