C:O:A:C:H PRACTITIONER Certification Course

C: O: A: C: H stands for Castorian & Overdurfian Advanced Conversational Hypnocoaching!
Get the best protocols from modern conversational Hypnotherapy, NLP, HNLP and Coaching.
LIVE Course
Course Setup:
  1. Online Pre-course
  2. Four Live Online Modules
  3. Online Community
  4. One Live Online Follow Up Module
CE Hours:

120 CE Hours


September 29th - October 1st

Pre & Post Course Access:

24/7 from any device or from our App.


NOW $1197

Modern Hypnotherapy Techniques

HNLP Techniques

Coaching & Bonus Techniques

Conversational and Reframing Techniques

What is Castorian & Overdurfian?

John Overdurf is a legend in modern NLP, but as a variant, he calls HNLP. As one of Richard Bandler's first students, he is the only one allowed to have all of his students approved by Bandler. John Overdurf is also the favorite mentor internationally when talking about top 10 teachers like Melissa Tiers, Ken Guzzo, Steve Roehm, Martin Castor, and Igor Ledochowski.
Hence the term "The Overdurfian method" is a tribute to John Overdorf's way of thinking.
"Castorian" comes from Martin Castor. It was named by many of his dedicated students from lectures and courses worldwide.
John and Martin have known each other for many years, and Martin is one of John Overdorf's few certified HNLP Instructors. Their common mindset and philosophy are the backbone of C: O: A: C: H.


Fast and efficient induction and preparation of clients for better results, with maximum relaxation.


Super induction that works on EVERYONE and which will activate most senses immediately.

Castorian Trauma Collapse

Release any trauma, including P.T.S.D. and difficult memories - convert them into resources without going into the feeling and trauma.

DreamSelf technique

The ultimate "Succeed" finale integrates future, inner child, and dream realization in any session.

Exclusive Six Step Reframe

With a strong twist. Through positive integration and intention, this ingenious way of performing parts therapy, even much more uncomplicated than standard techniques.

Navigation tools

Guide, guide, and guide any client to destroy negative patterns and get to resources quickly.

Value hierarchy

A goal-setting tool that focuses on the true inner thoughts and desires. Find natural resources and goals for the client to uncomplicate the client's life and make everyday life easier with more tremendous success.

Body language

Read and influence in a non-verbal language that goes beyond what most people teach. Learn how to create change and establish authority in any context.

Coaching Models

Learn to ensure success and "cut to the chase" in all conversations. This technique will make your client ready for any positive change.


Conquer this coaching technique which will find the resource in any issue.

Unconscious Set

Communicate nonverbally with astonishing results to overcome any resistance.

What's included?

  • Full Manual
  • Pre-course access
  • Four days intensive live training
  • Access to our student group and online community

C: O: A: C: H - This training is way beyond "just" coaching!

Castorian & Overdurfian Advanced Conversational Hypnocoaching!
C: O: A: C: H is a fusion of the best tools in modern professional hypnotherapy, NLP & HNLP, Coaching models, Body language, and small speech-based change processes.
The methods can be facilitated as hypnosis sessions with closed eyes or ordinary conversation with open eyes.
Trance will arise regardless, with the immersive tools and processes that are part of the model.

Much more than "just" for therapists!

The possibilities with the C: O: A: C: H tools are almost endless. Everything from ongoing therapists to coaches who would like to know more. Other healthcare professionals who want conversational tools for patients and relatives and physical therapists who wish to have tools to conversate with their clients through their treatments. It was developed as a bridge between hypnotherapy and NLP, but we have had many different practitioners throughout our time teaching this course.
But also, professions like sales, management, and more have been using the system to optimize communication.
Meet YOUR instructor

Martin Castor

ACHE Boardmember, and chair of Marketing & ConferenceAdvisory Boardmember of ICBCHAdvisory Boardmember of ISAHt

Author:Best-selling author på Amazon July 2019

ICBCH’s Award of Contribution to Hypnotherapy 2018
ACHE’s Award of Recognition for an Outstand Presentation 2018
IHF’s Award of Excellence of International Education 2013.
Featured TEDx Speaker at Penn State 2018

Certified HNLP & NLP Trainer
Certified Trainer in Brain-basedLeadership & TrainingCertified NLP Practitioner & Master NLP Practitioner.
Certified Master Hypnotherapist.
Certified Transformational Leadership Consultant.
Certified Executive & Professional Life Coach.
Certified clinical hypnotherapist.
Certified Conversational Hypnotherapist.
Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist.
Instructor of: Body language, mindfullness, self hypnosis & advanced Hypnotherapy & communication.
Martin Castor - Master Trainer & Content Developer