Our great offer

ZenZero & IOOI Bundle

Get two unique tools for profound change work. ZenZero can be used by yourself, with clients as add-on techniques or as an entire session, and finally as a group session technique for a live or online audience. IOOI is the ultimate self-love and respect realization technique, built on some of the most renowned ideas and science in modern conversational-based hypnotherapy.
Courses included

ZenZero & IOOI Bundle

Get two unique tools for profound change work. ZenZero can be used by yourself, with clients as add-on techniques or as an entire session, and finally as a group session technique for a live or online audience. IOOI is the ultimate self-love and respect realization technique, built on some of the most renowned ideas and science in modern conversational-based hypnotherapy.

ZenZero & IOOI Bundle

Get two unique tools for profound change work. ZenZero can be used by yourself, with clients as add-on techniques or as an entire session, and finally as a group session technique for a live or online audience. IOOI is the ultimate self-love and respect realization technique, built on some of the most renowned ideas and science in modern conversational-based hypnotherapy.